Thursday, June 22, 2006


Q: How do I order an item?
A: Just send an me an email quoting the item name.

Q: Can I reserve an item?
A: Of course. Items may be reserved for 7 days.

Q: Oh no! The item I'm interested in has been reserved.
A: No need to fret. Just email me, and I'll check if the person who has reserved it still wants it.

Q: I really like something that's already been sold. Can you make another one for me?
A: As I intend all my pieces to be one-of-a-kind, I will only be able to make you something similar. Email me and we'll discuss how to tweek a design to reflect you and your personality.

Q: Can I commission you to design a piece or set for me?
A: Sure! Just email me to discuss your colour and style preferences and we'll go on from there.